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3 simple steps to become successful in life

3 Simple Tips for Getting More Success in Life

 If you've ever learned to swim, you must understand the phrase "trust the process." When you start learning to swim, you dip into the pool and trying hard to keep your head above the surface of the water.

Although you do not learn to swim quickly, you believe that the experience and guidance of the teacher will lead you to the result you want; That is, you trust the process that the teacher has set for you.

This is why having a coach or tutor is always useful to help you gain skills faster, but this option is not always available, you have to learn on your own, and this is difficult especially when your mind starts to convince you that you are not worth what you are doing because you are not seeing results as quickly as you expect it, you get impatient and doubt yourself in the absence of any tangible progress.

In this article, you'll learn how you can face and overcome this condition, identify the things holding you back, and learn how you can trust the process with 3 simple tips.

What does "trust the process" mean?

When you trust the process, you put a constant effort into your workout without paying much attention to immediate results.

In our modern world, it has become rare for someone to master a skill. We expect results to happen very quickly. When we do not see results happen as quickly as we want them to, we turn back and think that our work is not paying off. That is, our commitments do not last long enough for us to reach success.

Of course, not all elements of success are reduced to confidence in the process alone; There are other elements, but continuity is important and confidence in the process is one way to shift your focus to actions rather than outcome.

So, people don't focus on the process; The reason is that most of them believe that success is only a matter of efforts; They believe that success is directly proportional to efforts. The more efforts are multiplied, the greater the success; They completely neglect the time factor.

We actually know that it is not a graphic error in which success escalates with the escalation of effort, yet we still think that is that once we start working, and because reality does not match this expectation, we feel that nothing we do is worthwhile simply because we do not see results quickly which we want.

This way of thinking is destructive, and it contradicts the principle of trusting the process, and the reason is that it is a result-oriented process, and when we give the results more appreciation than the process, we are exposed to the risk of emotional fluctuations , and this can be explained as follows:

When the results exceed your expectations, you are surprised and feel that you own the world, but what happens when the results are less than you expected? Easily, you will get frustrated; This dampens your enthusiasm and makes it difficult for you to take action in the course of the process.

Now you can imagine what results in frustration at every setback, it is a violent fluctuation of emotions, you may overcome your frustration the first time and try again and raise your enthusiasm, and you may be able to do that in the first times, but the repetition of failures makes returning to the path Correct is very difficult.

But when you trust the process, you will face these emotional fluctuations at each failure more rationally, we are not saying that you will not feel negative feelings, but that you will be more moderate when you feel them, and after all of the above, it may be necessary to modify your concept of success.

"Success is closely related to time, and it does not depend only on effort; Rather, the efforts accumulate over time to reach the big result; This means that time is a key factor in reaching success.

Success and failure will be companions to every process and every effort, but if you allow success and failure to control your feelings about your efforts, your path will be quite bumpy, but when you begin to trust the process, you will not allow the results to determine your feelings.

Here are 3 tips that will help you trust the process:

1. Do whatever makes you feel a little uncomfortable.

If there is a secret to success , it is that the thing that frightens you the most is often the most valuable thing; So think of something that you are trying so hard to avoid but at the same time knowing that if you have the skill to do it, your quality of life will improve.

Do this thing without hesitation; The reason for this is that even if you got a bad result after trying this thing, you also got a valuable experience when you took this step and conquered fear.

One example of this is public speaking , just imagine what you will feel after you speak in public for the first time, the result may be so bad that you swear you will never try it again, but imagine that you did it 10 times.

This experience may still be frightening to you despite doing this many times, but you do it in spite of everything, and you feel that the tenth time is not as disturbing as the first one, needless to say that when you do it for the fiftieth time, you get out Get out of your comfort zone and become more confident in your performance even though you may still be experiencing some stress.

Even after doing this a hundred times, you may still experience some tension before speaking in public, but you have expanded your comfort zone a lot by repeating the practice and you know you are good at what you do and in this way you develop your confidence.

As a tip for public speaking, if you are afraid to do so, don't start public speaking; Instead, start with two or three people and take your time to build your confidence in the process.

Try to push the boundaries of your comfort zone a little bit; This is a great way to develop your self-confidence, and the results you achieve are worth some discomfort for, the confidence you gain from this practice extends to all aspects of your life.

2. Appreciate your failure as you value your success:

Most people celebrate their successes , but get frustrated by failures, and if you’re this type of person, you may find that you overthink too much.

The reason for this is that we all want to avoid potential failure more than we want the possible outcome, and when you feel frustrated by failure, you do anything to get your brain off that thinking.

What happens next is that every time you face a challenge, your mind starts evaluating what needs to be done; He wants to ensure that you will succeed, or else you will experience disappointment again.

Of course, you are seldom sure of success, especially when you don’t force yourself out of your comfort zone as we talked about in the first tip, and this is what prevents you from achieving more success in your life.

If you want to succeed, you must see the picture further, and this requires that failures be considered important starting points towards self-development, and experiences that qualify you for success in the future.

Surely success is the goal, but failure is necessary so that we can develop ourselves faster; Failure provides the feedback needed to achieve success faster.

When you realize these facts, your life will change and as you begin to trust what you are doing and give up emotional attachment to the outcome; You will feel the pleasure of experiencing a more stable experience.

Although you will always encounter failures, you will not experience the kind of negative emotions that pull you into the abyss.

3. Persevere in your profession:

Here we can give an analogy that explains the importance of trusting the process. In fact, success is like a fruitful tree that you are eagerly waiting to pick, but you will not see any of the fruits until they begin to fall on their own, and you may have noticed this mechanism in achieving success through several skills that you tried to learn.

I am now trying to learn the skill of handstand, and I have been trying to learn it for the past two years and have been practicing for the past seven months; It is a very difficult process.

I often train for weeks without seeing any progress and when I think of people who have perfected this process in a matter of weeks or months, I get a bit frustrated.

But I learned to trust the process and keep doing it; Because although you won’t always see success come quickly, you know you’re making progress as long as you keep the performance going.

Recently I’ve been standing on my hands for twenty seconds and more steadily, and suddenly I’m starting to notice that I have more control.

Surely this result is the fruit of months of training and perseverance even when I never see any progress; This is why perseverance is so important to success.

Despite the simplicity of this principle; However, it is difficult to adhere to it, but by following some steps you will become more committed to this principle. First of all, you must persevere in what you are doing – and regardless of the circumstances – you must persevere and train in your profession if you want to succeed in it, especially On the days when you don’t feel like it.

A great way to learn to perform is consistency. It is by setting small goals and achieving them. Start with a very simple goal and make your bed, then think of something else you can do in the morning that will help you move forward; Think of a small goal that aligns with what you want to achieve.

If speaking skill helps you achieve your big goal, you can start recording your speech on your phone. If you want to learn to write, start writing a short blog and share it online. This is a great way to persevere in this practice and even if no one reads it, it helps you become more persevering.

Muscle-like perseverance; You can develop it in any skill.

Process trust:

We want to finally point out the negative people ; It is this kind of person who tells you that what you are doing is a waste of time or foolishness, you must ask yourself, how does anyone have the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong?

These people have often given up on their dreams and fallen prey to frustration. Don’t let someone else’s fears hold you back from achieving your dreams. The only person who knows what works for you is you. In the process, you will achieve success.

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