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How does the future of social media shopping look like?

How does the future of social media shopping look like? 

Social media is constantly redefining how we communicate with our communities and how we learn from them, and it is now redefining how we shop, and as commerce moves from the real world to the virtual world, concepts of customer values and preferences emerge, and by 2025 social shopping is expected to become a source of income worth 1.2 trillion dollar.

In this article we will review the findings of a report of 1000 American consumers on their plans for social shopping in 2022, and clarify their preferences, perceptions, and attitudes toward social commerce.

The future of social commerce

We live in the age of social commerce; With 68% of consumers making at least one direct purchase from social media in 2021, whether shoppers are increasing local buying opportunities or interacting with virtual communities to buy outside their regions, they are turning to Facebook Shops or Instagram Shopping or TikTok Shopping.

Social shopping is not slowing down; 98% of consumers plan to make at least one purchase through social shopping or influencer trading .

Where do customers buy on social media?

Social media has become a digital mall; Customers can connect while shopping by interacting with peers, brands and creators, and like physical malls; The more time they spend on browsing, the more likely they will be able to make a purchase.

In 2023 customers plan to shop across platforms; They feel more comfortable and Generation Z shoppers are enthusiastic about visual social networks like Instagram , TikTok and Snapchat , while baby boomers expect to increase their purchases on Facebook. (Facebook), women prefer TikTok and Pinterest, while men prefer Twitter and Twitch. 

How do social shoppers find the perfect product?

Shoppers use social media as a trusted advisor in the same way they consult Google or listen to a friend’s recommendation. Before buying something from a physical store or traditional e-commerce seller, they might look for more information about a company or product on Instagram or Reddit as part of the purchase process, or they search for products recommended by their existing network.

Brands play a greater role in guiding customers to products; More people are finding a product directly from the brand selling it than through peers, influencers, or their own research. Targeted advertising is powerful, but so is free posts.

Our audience interacts with free social content that looks real, we take our photos on their phones to look natural and not professional and then publish them on Instagram, we work with influencers who showcase their daily lifestyle, and our audience wants to see real people who truly represent us, be it that On our social channels or through the influencers we work with.”

Andrea Howard, Director of Social Media and Influencer Marketing at Kendra Scott.

What influences consumer buying behavior?

When customers shop on social media, they still turn to friends to help them make their final decisions. Friends are the strongest influencers in consumers aged 18-40, with social influencers coming in second.

Metasocial interaction  between Gen Z, millennials and Gen X has intensified during the pandemic store closures, and customers trust influencers as they trust their friends, but baby-boomers who have not accepted influencers as much trust friends and family more than others.

Metasocial interaction between consumers and influencers has become a major driver of purchase intent, as influencers are committed to putting their followers first and cultivating communities of consumers who have common interests and feelings, and in return consumers look to influencers for reliable recommendations and honest product evaluations, and interaction solves beyond Social issues that may accompany the buying process by saving consumers time and counting influencers as trusted experts.

Trust – whether from a friend’s recommendation or influencer content – is a powerful motivator, and a lack of trust may explain why reviews or product reviews from strangers have less influence on a product purchase decision.

Brand awareness results in  a community that buys thanks to word of mouth when people tell each other, “I love this product, I’m sure you will too.” Community members know what their friends and family like, and your audience becomes a link to interested customers at the moment they need it.” Their friends and family to your product, and that’s the power of brand awareness.”

Social media shoppers care about inclusion; 60% said they were more likely to buy from an inclusive marketing brand, which could mean different ethnicities or nationalities being featured in your ads and posts; These shoppers want their online communities to reflect the diversity of their physical community, and inclusion is especially important for younger shoppers; 73% of Gen Z and 72% of Millennials cited it as a motivating factor to buy.

What does the new buying path look like? 

Social shoppers in 2022 are delving into their online communities and embracing the features of new platforms. The different ways your customers interact is an opportunity to see how they discover and buy your products.

Livestreams are the most popular feature on the platforms, and it’s also a great indicator for those planning to buy on social networks ; The majority of live watchers 71% have bought something on social, 48% expect to buy more through in-platform shopping features in 2022, but the impact depends on your audience, and more than half of Gen X shoppers (61%) expect to start watching a video Direct service over the next year, compared to only 44% of Generation Z.

A simplified in-platform shopping experience will be essential in 2023; 45% of shoppers are excited to buy directly from their favorite platforms, Gen Z is the most willing to use this feature with 52% willing to hit the buy button, but everyone is looking forward to a more efficient discovery and shopping experience.

As the metaverse begins to take shape , consumers’ readiness for a virtual reality or augmented reality shopping cart also depends on their age; This is because older consumers are less inclined to favor this trend, and more than 8 out of 10 85% of consumers using virtual and augmented reality have already started social shopping.

A step towards the future of social commerce:

Social commerce is an essential part of any overarching strategy, with the rapid change in consumer preferences, the opportunity to sell through the digital medium is unparalleled, and brands investing in social media will be poised to outsmart competitors in 2022 and beyond.

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