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What is affiliate marketing||Earn money from affiliate marketing

 What is affiliate marketing and how do you get started with it?

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most famous and popular ways to make money from the Internet, but when the question comes up with “What is Affiliate Marketing?” The answer should be more clear and specific, there are many ordinary people on the Internet, who make money through affiliate marketing, and they do not yet understand what affiliate marketing is, and how it actually works.

First, let's take a look at the English Wikipedia's definition of affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a marketing activity in a type of business in which the business owner gives the affiliate marketer/marketers a reward for every visitor or customer who purchases from the business’s website, with the efforts of the affiliate marketer.”

The definition is a bit complicated.. isn't it?

Well let's come to the understandable conversation, I'll give you my simplified definition of affiliate marketing:

“Affiliate marketing is a promotional process that you do for other people/companies, and you get a commission in return for completing the sale through you.”

I think this definition is somewhat simpler..isn't it?

It happens just on the Internet as it happens in the real world, but the fields, opportunities and profit on the Internet are much greater than in the real world.

And if this definition is somewhat difficult for you as well, here is the following definition:-

“Affiliate marketing basically depends on you selling or promoting someone else’s products/services, and you get a commission for that effort.”

The basic concept behind affiliate marketing is that you get your commission when you actually get the sale.

As you can imagine, this is very attractive to many people, especially if you have a website, but you do not have a product, or even have the ability to create a product and sell it on your site, in this case affiliate marketing will be an effective solution for you .

Our goal in this article is to explain to you the basic principles of affiliate marketing online, and show you how you can start your first affiliate marketing campaign from scratch, with little money.

So - in principle - the first thing you should do as an Affiliate Marketer in order to get started is:-

Promote the products of others (whether they are companies or individuals) using your own link called Referral Link or Tracking ID or any other name, the important thing is that it refers to you, and you alone, and it enables the employer to follow the visitors coming through you, especially those who Complete the sale, so this link should be yours alone, you should not use any other link other than it to prove your eligibility for the commission, in the event of completing the sale.

If any of your visitors completes the intended sale process (or takes a certain action, such as registering on a site, filling out a survey form, etc.) through your link, it is followed up by the original site owner (advertiser) and accordingly you get on your commission. This commission can be a percentage of the product value (as ClickBank does) or a fixed amount set by the advertiser (as MaxBounty does).

In this way, the advertiser and the publisher - both - benefit .. the advertiser gets a lot of sales for his products/services, while a lot of publishers (or Affiliates) promote their products, and increase their income by the commission they get for promoting this good/service. Moreover, the advertiser will not pay a penny to the publisher unless the sale is completed, there is no risk in it like PPC campaigns like those of big companies like Google.

How do I get started with Affiliate Marketing?

There are some considerations that you must bear in mind before choosing to enter this field of business.. First, you must choose the right product that you are promoting, and secondly, you must have the audience interested in this product.

This step is the most important step - literally - to start working on commission marketing.. so if you make a mistake in this step, you will fail - unfortunately - in this type of business.

You must choose the product that offers solutions and assistance to the audience you deal with. If you have a blog that talks about slimming and losing weight, promoting a product that talks about forex in this case will be a waste of time, and useless, and the return will not only be the lack of sales, but You may also lose credibility with your customers. Also, do not forget that promoting a low-quality product can make you lose your reputation and brand in the field in which you work.

Always remember .. In order to get the best results, make sure that you are promoting a product that you have already tried and previewed, or that you are 100% sure of its sufficient quality to show it to your customers .. Do not be deceived by the amount of commission that is displayed for promoting this product in your blog, unless After making sure of its quality.

I offer you now a set of tips, that will help you to find compatible affiliate products, or related to the segment in which you are specialized:-

1- Explore Affiliate Networks

This is the first step for you as a marketer, when you want to work in the field of affiliate marketing .. Browse the well-known affiliate networks, and search for the product that is compatible with the segment you work in. Affiliate Networks acts as an intermediary between you as a publisher or affiliate marketer and the Advertiser or Merchant who launched their affiliate program. There are a few affiliate networks that have lists that contain a variety of affiliate programs, and such lists - despite their large size - allow you to have a kind of diversity in products, giving you the opportunity to search and investigate the right product for the segment in which you work, and find it compatible with the content of your site. . These networks, which are actually few on the Internet, offer relevant keyword searches to get products that match your blog's domain.

The most famous affiliate network on the Internet is ClickBank, which is the best, largest and my favorite, as I got my first commission from it, and where I was able to make my first money on the Internet, and in this place you find more than 10,000 electronic products that facilitate the process of selling and promoting only through the promotional activity that you do and the site will handle the rest of your work for you.

There is also the Commission Junction network, or as it is abbreviated CJ, and there is also the ShareSale network .. and there are many, many.

2- Search by Google Search

Another way to help you find products related to the topic you are working in is to use Google search services.. Run the following equation in the search box:

“keyword + Affiliate Program”

Of course, you can replace keyword with the keyword related to your field, such as the equation is:-

Weight Loss Affiliate Programs

Then click on the search word, and you will find the results that are suitable and compatible with the segment you are working with.

3- Check the different online stores

Almost all the popular online stores have their own affiliate programs, such as Amazon, eBay, etc.. So you can simply make a registration in any of these sites, then sign up for their affiliate program, and start choosing products that are compatible with your chip.

Often the commission will not be large, but the opportunity for someone who holds a credit card in his hand, or a card to purchase from the Internet, enters a large store of electronic such as these stores, the possibility of buying other products is profitable by a large percentage .. and this is the key to profit for you Than to deal with such stores.

4- Communicate with individuals and companies directly

There are some companies that do not advertise their own affiliate programs, but they may be receptive to the idea of ​​marketing them for a commission that you agree on. If, for example, you find's a company that sells different products that interests you or you have experience in its field and you can easily market it, I advise you to contact it directly. For example, I know two Forex brokers: FSDFX and MarketsMENA that offer highly profitable affiliate programs without advertising. For example, you can contact these companies directly. There are also many freelancers who sell certain products and who will be happy to promote their products if you are serious in this field.

5- Watch your competitors

If you have the ability to find products in the ways explained above, you will then have the ability to simply check your competitors in the market (the same sites your segment operates on) and what products they are promoting, and then simply take thede products and promote them by yourself.Inevitabl your competitors are more experienced than you, and they have certain criteria for choosing the product. Perhaps you do not have these criteria, or you did not know them yet, so it would be preferable in this case to learn from them in an indirect way. High quality with time.

Now that you have been presented with all the previous means, you have the ability to choose the right product for you to start promoting.. Choose carefully and accurately, and start working.

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