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How to get more traffic to your website||Get more visitors

How to get more traffic to your website

 If you spend time producing high-quality content rather than promoting it, you are losing the content marketing game. The goal of  content marketing is to build the audience, which you can only do if you put the content in the hands of your consumers. The more people consume your content, the wider your audience will be. Derek Halpern of Social Triggers uses the rule that says: Spend 80% of your time promoting content and only 20% of your time creating it . The reason for this is quite simple, that it is wiser to spend the time promoting the content you have to build your email list than creating more content that few people know about. It’s the only way you can increase the return on investment in your content.

They say about products: “ You can't expect customers to come to you unless you build your products .” And with content you can't expect customers to come to you unless you create content, which means you have to promote the content.

So the golden question is how do you promote content?

This article will highlight 5 ways to promote your content and drive more traffic to your website. Let's quickly look at these five methods:

1: Reach out to commenters and participants

The first tactic involves reaching out to people who comment on and participate in content similar to the content you plan to promote. If you write a blog about driverless cars and someone else's post on a similar topic has had a social media interaction, you can connect with the people who have already commented and participated in the other post and let them know about your post. Since they have interacted with a similar post before then it is clear that they have an interest in the topic, so the probability of them interacting with your post is very high.

Look at the interaction this post got, it has more than 594 comments, 848 tweets, and 878 comments and shares on Facebook. Since most of the commenters are connected to social media or commenter platforms like Disqus, it is possible to reach them and let them know about your post.

Imagine how effective it would be to have an audience who cares about your post and to ask that audience to participate, then their comments and feedback will be invaluable and these comments and feedback would be a great way to promote your content. Since people are more likely to read posts that get engagement on social networks, inviting people who are interested in the topic you are going to write about can be a great strategy for content promotion.

Using feedback in marketing involves making yourself known as an "expert" in your field, and by asking thought-provoking questions and highlighting the knowledge you have, you position yourself as a leader in your field, encouraging people to visit your website and consume your content.

2- Paid Advertising

The option to pay for content promotion is always available to you, as this includes paid Facebook and Twitter ads, sponsored updates, LinkedIn ads, and much more. You can support your posts to appear in the News Feed on your audience's social media profiles.

Remarketing can be particularly useful for this purpose as you can make your ad catch up with users when they visit your blog or content. The reason this is effective is that people need to see your marketing message at least seven times before they take any particular action, which is called the ' rule of seven '.

By using remarketing, you will be able to reach approximately 84% of your visitors within ten to eighteen days. This is very effective when it comes to building an outstanding brand. Use what is known as the Google display network to your advantage in order to stay present in the minds of your customers, it includes (AdSense publisher network), hundreds of prominent publishers, and a variety of Google sites as shown in the image below. 

The thing that distinguishes promoted content from advertised services is that promoted content often solves the customer’s problem. For example, if someone is looking for ways to decorate the house for Christmas, an e-book on “How to decorate your home for Christmas” promoted through the Google Display Network is likely to be more effective in getting clicks offset by an advertisement on Google that promotes Interior Christmas decorating services. People want to see that you care and content is a great way to show that you do.

3: Expert Posts

Expert posts are posts of thoughts, comments, and contributions from expert people that engage those experts in the content creation process. So if you are writing an e-marketing post that includes opinions from the best people in the field like Neil Patel or Avinash Kaushik, this is a tool to attract a large number of people.

The reason this promotional tactic is such a great tactic is that it helps you build relationships with the most influential people, that is first. Secondly, having influencers while writing your post allows you to take advantage of the network they own and direct your traffic to your website through them, which is a real win-win for both parties.

Mentioning influencers in your posts may also earn you a link on their blog or website, which can drive a great deal of engagement on social media since influencers have a huge following on social media.

Use Followerwonk or BuzzStream to find a list of influencers who have a huge following on social media. The quality of their followers and their interest in your content are what matters the most. Research the following of these influencers on social media and connect with them through email or social media. Asking for a quote from them that you can include in your post is a great start.

Marketing through influencers can be a great investment of your time and money. Statistics show that for every $1 you invest in influencer marketing, you get $6.50 back, it’s one of the channels you can’t afford to miss.

Fourth Tactic: Linkedin Groups and Facebook

The smartest thing you can do with your content is to build your own community. This includes not only building your email list but also building a network of social media followers. By creating a group to talk about your topic on LinkedIn or Facebook you can invite people to join your group, start conversations, and share your content.

It is not always necessary to create your own group on social media as it is also possible to share your content on groups that are already online as long as you are not trying to sell something. The idea is to be part of a group on social networks as you would in the real world. You will be welcome and appreciated if you add real value and share your content when necessary.

And if you follow the path of creating your own group, reaching 1,000 members is a great stop before you start getting a return on your content investment. The other thing to point out is to take a “lean” or “lean” approach to your content, publish the content, evaluate the results and engagement you get with it, and then adjust your content production efforts according to the results you get. This is a great way to invest in content that performs well and get rid of all the unnecessary efforts associated with the content.

5: Exchange Hosting

This tactic includes asking people who are famous writers and whose content gets a lot of likes and shares to write for your blog. Inviting popular content creators to write on your blog can be a great way to promote existing content on your blog. People start paying attention to your blog when they see popular creators writing on it.

Finding great writers to contribute to your blog can be quite challenging, but you can connect with all the writers who personally enjoy reading their content.

Twitter is a great way to connect with great writers. Being an open social network, if you can get the attention of a writer who interests you, you can build the relationships you need to have people contribute to your blog on a regular basis.

What is important in this process is that you are effectively developing a win-win scenario. Asking great writers to write on your blog without offering them anything in return will not work. Think about it from their point of view and have a mindset of “what does this work for them?”.Only then can you come up with something that is a mutually beneficial strategy.


Like any digital marketing strategy, a good content promotion strategy includes a holistic approach that includes both paid, owned, and earned media channels. A balance of publishing content through the right channels at the right time with strategic PR and paid merchandising can go a long way in terms of increasing the ROI in content marketing.

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